MLS Stats: Inventory View
Residential MLS Stats
The report provides a multilateral market overview, giving you the details on the number of listed properties, time period they are available on market, available price ranges, and price changes during specified period of time.
Inventory tab
The Inventory tab includes the data grouped in the graph and the data presented in the table:
- the graph shows the bars with Active Count data (the properties that were on sale at any time during that month), and lines with % of Absorption (the % of selling properties) and Inventory (or Months supply), thus giving understanding when there was a larger or smaller number of listed properties and what was the stats of in this time period
- the table presents exact numbers for the parameters: number of Counts within a month (the count of active listings), what was Median price, Days on Market (DOM), Absorption rate (the number of selling properties), Months Supply (the count of listings to month supplies, or the count listings divided by absorption)