Explained: Search for OR criteria

Previous version of IMAPP have include options in searching for multiple fields with an "or" criteria. This would allow users to stack the same field multiple times with different criteria to provide more flexibility in the searching. This feature provided some valuable options, but also provided many opportunities for confusion and training complication.

The "Or" searching is no longer an option in the newest version of IMAPP, but we have provided multiple changes to the search interface that provide similar functionality in many cases.

For example, some fields offer the ability to search for "Is One Of" Search Type. Users can enter multiple Values, separated by commas, and the search interface will return properties that many any of those choices. User can also specify value ranges in many fields, using "Is Between" search type. For some fields, like Property Use Codes, users can select multiple options from a pick list, and again the search interface will search for properties matching any of the selected values.

Searching For Multiple Subdivisions

It is also possible to search for properties within one of multiple subdivisions, by selecting the "Is One Of" Search Criteria on the "Subdivision Name" line. See more details on Multiple Subdivision Searching.

Note: Users that have saved searches in previous version of IMAPP that get migrated to the new version of IMAPP may experience issues if the saved searches used "OR" criteria. Users should check their migrated searches to ensure they work as expected before relying on results. Users can use the above features instead, or separate their searches into multiple independent searches.

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