Suggested Search - Recent Foreclosure Filings
IMAPP includes a series of Suggested Searches to help you get started with some common tasks and learn how searching can work. When you click on the "Recent Foreclosure Filings" suggested search, the fields of the search page will reload with some search fields populated.
This will search within all IMAPPs pre-foreclosure records in a selected City that have been filed in the past 15 days. These properties have had legal claims for damages filed against them, and may proceed to foreclosure if those claims are not satisfied or denied by the court. Note: conduct all due diligence before buying/selling properties facing legal claims. This is a possible prospecting search for real estate professionals to find property owners that might be forced to sell their properties to satisfy claims/debts.
The default settings will show "Filing Date" in the last 15 days. This does not necessarily mean that the first filing is in the last 15 days, just than some court papers were filed in that range. The pre-foreclosure process can potentially be very long and entails many filings. While we do our best, court filings are not regularly formatted and do not always reach our databases, so some filings, judgements and releases could be missed temporarily. The desire of an owner to sell a property may vary throughout that process.
The search interface is highly customizable. You can also choose alternate "Property Location" regions, draw a your own geographic shape on the reference map, or add other filters by filling in more lines or selecting other fields from the search fields list. Each additional item you add further focuses the results to just what you want. You can also remove some lines from consideration by deleting whatever is in the "Search Value" for that line.
You can click "Start Search" to do the search as prepared. This search will find all properties in a the selected City that have seen court activity in the last 15 days. From the results of this search, you can download data for matching properties or create mailing labels to contact the property owners.