Links To 3rd Party Sites
iMapp provides a series of links to 3rd websites that provide further context or verification of property data.
Property Information
Property Information section includes PID number, property address, current owner name, tax mailing address and many property details and legal definition data. If you need to verify this data before evaluating a property or filling legal forms, or you feel something is wrong with the data in the information box (it seems to you that it’s out of date), click on PID number link: you’ll be taken to county Appraiser/Assessor office details of that property item and will be able to see the full information directly in the data source.
It’s good to remember, that you may not be able to see all data available for the subject property in iMapp Property Information section, as the viewing dimensions in iMapp app are limited. Alternatively, we may provide some additional data the county office doesn’t display on their website. Regardless, you can verify most data this way.
Value Information
Value Information section in iMapp displays tax value data for the last 5 years, including just market value, taxable value and percent change. Tax information presented in this section can be also verified directly on county’s tax collector website. To get tax data of the subject property directly from the data source, find the link in the bottom of the Value Information section, and click Link To County Tax Collector. While the county Appraiser/Assessor tracks many property details and determines property valuation, the Tax Collector would set exact tax amounts and collect payments:
On County tax collector website scroll down to see all tax history of the subject property and extended details for each bill/year/payment:
Sales Information
Sales Information in iMapp is displayed in chronological order and presents the data, which includes instrument data, mortgages amounts, recorder office book/page/document numbers, deed type, qualifiers (Q, U, M, etc.) and more. There is usually an option in iMapp to see digital copies of sales documents (scans, PDFs) directly from the official recording office in that county. To see original documents in the Sales Information section, select sale record and click the blue corresponding Document #
For most areas, you’ll be taken to the county website with sales recordings for the subject property. To check available docs, click on the record: pop-up with details appears, so you can check there all documents. For example, to get recorder’s book/page document click Document Image tab and you’ll get a PDF doc to print or safe:
While we endeavor to keep these links up-to-date and functioning, these links go to 3rd party websites beyond our control which may change over time, experience downtime or errors, or may not allow direct linking to documents.
External Links Report Section
There is also an External Links Report section in the right hand column of the report interface. This provides a large variety of links to other publicly available websites and tools, which often provide direct access to data about the property or location you are referencing inside IMAPP. The exact group of external websites linked to is customizable. Click on the included "Gears" Button or Account Settings Button to turn on or off various layers.
Note: These are independent websites provided for convenience purposes. We do not warrant or guarantee their functionality. Use at your own risk.
External Links Settings
The available external links can be customized using the account settings. Navigate to "property reports" and "Links to External Services". From this list, you can add or remove resources from the 3rd party links on the IMAPP reports.

Note: not all 3rd party link resources are available for all properties, and some links will be limited in those cases. For example, Condominium specific links would not show up on reports for non-condominium properties.
Other Third Party Links
There are additional 3rd party links to other sites available in IMAPP, which may vary from report-to-report and from location-to-location. We try to provide extra convenience with these links whenever reasonable possible. Some Examples:
- Phone Directory search sites. Under the Owner's name we sometimes provide a link to a 3rd party phone directory which would allow you to search for the owner's phone number. This link is available ONLY when the owner appears to be an individual person (not a corporation or other legal entity), AND when we do not have a phone number for the owner in our own internal database.
- State Business Licensing/Registration sites. Some states provide an easily accessible website to search for details about registered corporations, often provided by the Secretary of State's office. In those case, we attempt to provide a link to those searches for properties that appear to be a corporation or other legal entity, not an individual person. We also limit this to properties where the owner is located in a state where we have a registry search option, so not all corporation will have this option. When we can, the link to the state agency website will be located next the owners name. The icon for this search may vary from state-to-state.
Example link to the Florida Secretary of State office (at to search for the corporation that owns this property.